Columbus Laboratory Installed on Space Station
국제 우주 정거장(ISS) 에 새로운 과학장비가 장착되었다. 아틀란티스 호가 국제 우주정거장으로 수송한 콜럼버스 실험실은 지난 한 주 동안 7m 길이의 모듈에 설치되었다. 콜럼버스 실험실에는 독일에 위치한 콜럼버스 조종 센터(Columbus Control Center)에서 원격 조종할 수 있는 10개의 실험기구를 놓을 수 있는 자리가 있다. 그 실험실에는 미소 중력에서의 유체의 속성을 측정할 수 있는 유체 과학 실험실과, 미생물들을 연구 할 수 있는 실험장치도 있다. 나중에는 콜럼버스 실험실에 아인슈타인의 상대성이론의 시간 지연을 설명할 원자시계가 놓일 것 이다. 사진에 보이는 것처럼 Hans Schegel 이, 콜럼버스 실험실 밖에서 일하고 있다. 아마도 전세계의 과학자들은 자신들의 실험들을 이 국제 우주정거장에서 실험되기를 제안할 것이다.
The International Space Station (ISS) has been equipped with a powerful new scientific laboratory. The Space Shuttle Atlantis delivered the Columbus Laboratory to the ISS and installed the seven meter long module over the past week. Columbus has ten racks for experiments that can be controlled from the station or the Columbus Control Center in Germany. The first set of experiments includes the Fluid Science Laboratory that will explore fluid properties in the microgravity of low Earth orbit, and Biolab which supports experiments on microorganisms. Future Columbus experiments include an atomic clock that will test minuscule timing effects including those expected by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. Pictured above, mission specialist Hans Schlegel works on the outside of Columbus. Scientists from all over the world may propose and carry out experiments to be done on the laboratory during its ten year mission.
Columbus Laboratory Installed on Space Station
The International Space Station (ISS) has been equipped with a powerful new scientific laboratory. The Space Shuttle Atlantis delivered the Columbus Laboratory to the ISS and installed the seven meter long module over the past week. Columbus has ten racks for experiments that can be controlled from the station or the Columbus Control Center in Germany. The first set of experiments includes the Fluid Science Laboratory that will explore fluid properties in the microgravity of low Earth orbit, and Biolab which supports experiments on microorganisms. Future Columbus experiments include an atomic clock that will test minuscule timing effects including those expected by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. Pictured above, mission specialist Hans Schlegel works on the outside of Columbus. Scientists from all over the world may propose and carry out experiments to be done on the laboratory during its ten year mission.
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